鳥吉英伸 Hidenobu Toriyoshi 医学博士】舌の長さが体長の2倍ある動物はカメレオン #動物 #ペット#爬虫類 鳥吉英伸 Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi

 舌の長さが体長の2倍ある動物はカメレオン #動物 #ペット#爬虫類

 【鳥吉英伸 経歴、鳥吉英伸 現在】【鳥吉英伸 画像】





鳥吉英伸 略歴:






奇跡のカリスマ獣医2 鳥吉英伸【日本語字幕版】Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, Ph.D., DVM, D.M.Sc.



奇跡のカリスマ獣医 鳥吉英伸【1分切り抜き】「昆虫、魚から象、クジラまで治療する獣医さん」Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, Ph.D., DVM, D.M.Sc.



奇跡のカリスマ獣医2 鳥吉英伸(アニメ版)



【都市伝説】未知なる絆 - 獣医の異次元冒険と動物たちとの対話。アヤワスカの力で描く、動物と人間の心の物語【日本語字幕】









獣医の細道 - 世界で輝く若き凄腕獣医師の物語東京の獣医師ムラの陰謀と挑戦。日本の小動物病院業界の闇を暴く



サンディエゴ動物園の奇跡の獣医師: 日本人初の挑戦者 "2万種の動物との感動の診療日記と思い出の瞬間" 鳥吉英伸 Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, DVM, Ph.D【日本語字幕】






カバの歯科冒険、メロンで虫歯戦士 "カバの歯科治療の驚きの一瞬" 歯の秘密と治療の舞台裏【切り抜き】



The highest skilled veterinarian who treats everything from insects to elephants, Hidenobu Toriyoshi [English subtitled movie]-short movie



The highest skilled veterinarian who treats everything from insects to elephants, Hidenobu Toriyoshi [English subtitled movie]



Pets of the King! Encounter with the World's Top-notch Veterinarian: "Dr. Toriyoshi and the Monkeys of the Cambodian King's Palace. The Story of Foreign Royal Pets."



Hippo dental examination by zoo veterinarian-short film



"The Vet's Way," a novel/ Real Stories, Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, DVM, Ph.D. [English version]



Professor Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, D.V.M., D.M.Sc., Ph.D. : Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo University



The animal with a tongue length twice its body length is the chameleon. #animals #pets #reptiles

"Veterinarian Trivia” Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, Ph.D., DVM


"Veterinarian Trivia"


The chameleon's tongue is twice the length of its body. In larger species, the length of the tongue can exceed 30 centimeters. With this length and a unique structure, chameleons can quickly reach distant prey, employing their distinctive hunting methods.

The chameleon's tongue extends and retracts rapidly. Typically, the extension speed of the tongue can surpass 5 meters per second, allowing it to touch the prey momentarily and retract instantly.

The chameleon's tongue is covered in mucus, which aids in catching prey. Additionally, the rapid retraction of the tongue creates a vacuum, pulling the prey towards it.

The chameleon's tongue can move freely in all directions, allowing it to extend its tongue quickly in any direction to capture prey.


▽Hidenobu Toriyoshi - Brief Biography:


He completed his doctoral program at the Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, earning a Doctor of Medicine degree and obtaining a veterinarian license. Additionally, he is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the California Veterinary Medical Association. He also teaches at the Veterinary School Graduate School and serves as the director of an animal hospital. He has also experienced false accusations.


He has accumulated experience as a veterinarian at places like SeaWorld Aquarium in Florida and the San Diego Zoo in California, dealing with the treatment of various animal species, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and invertebrates. His skills are highly regarded worldwide, contributing to the treatment of a staggering twenty thousand species of animals.


He received the "Modest McLean Award" from the American Veterinary Medical Association, marking the first time for a Japanese individual to achieve this honor. He is truly a rare veterinarian, known as the "Doctor of Rare Animals."


▽ Related Videos

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The highest skilled veterinarian who treats everything from insects to elephants, Hidenobu Toriyoshi [English version 2]



"The Vet's Way," a novel/ Real Stories, Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, DVM, Ph.D. [English version]



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Hidenobu Toriyoshi's biography is as follows:


Hidenobu Toriyoshi graduated from the Tokyo University, Graduate School of Medicine with a doctorate and obtained qualifications as a medical doctor and a veterinarian. Additionally, he is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the California Veterinary Medical Association. He also serves as a professor at the Veterinary Medicine Graduate School and is the director of an animal hospital. He has personally experienced being a victim of a wrongful accusation.


He gained veterinary experience at locations such as SeaWorld Aquarium in Florida and the San Diego Zoo in California, working on the treatment of various animal species, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and invertebrates. His skills have been highly acclaimed worldwide, and he has contributed to the treatment of over 20,000 species.


He received the "Modest Maclean Award" from the American Veterinary Medical Association, marking a groundbreaking achievement as the first Japanese recipient.

He is truly recognized as a rare veterinarian and a doctor of exotic animals.

"One of the world's top veterinarian who treats everything from insects and fish to elephants and whales."


Professor Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, D.V.M., D.M.Sc., Ph.D. : Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo University


鳥吉英伸 Hidenobu Toriyoshi 医学博士】昆虫、魚から象、クジラまで2万種の動物を治療する獣医さん2 Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, Ph.D., DVM, D.M.Sc. 鳥吉英伸

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